2021 Festival Cancelled

Unfortunately even though the City of Minneapolis has lifted COVID 19 restrictions the Minneapolis Park Board has not. We will readdress the festival in 2022. Sorry.

Lake Hiawatha Neighborhood Festival

Photographs of the 2008 festival were taken by Shirley Yeoman.

This was our 24th Festival!

The Lake Hiawatha Neighborhood Festival was held on Wednesday August 7th, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. This year we will again hold a talent contest (pre-register), family fitness challenge (pre-register) and the canoe rides. This event is sponsored and supported by the Lake Hiawatha Recreation Council and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board. The festival first started in August 1996.

NO tickets - purchase a wristband for $5 for unlimited use during the festival!

2018 Talent Show Winners

2018 Family Fitness Challenge Winners

Carmina Ruggiero

Yomarii and Rosealia Garcia Shelton

Elliott Karol

Julia and Michael Murphy

Trevor Enz

Evelyn and Raymond Heiland



MEDALLION HUNT. More details to come.



Raffle. Drawing at 7:00 p.m.











Water Feature!! The wading pool is open during the festival. We will also have an inflatable water slide. The photo on your left is just a representation and not the actual water feature we will have.



Canoe Rides enjoy a canoe ride on Lake Hiawatha from 5:00-8:00 p.m. FREE



Caricaturist! Come get a humerous drawing of yourself. We will have Steve D. Hanson, a caricaturist, from 6:00-8:00 p.m.



Talent Contest - cash prizes. If you want to participate in the talent contest please email and in the body of the email list the talent you will be performing.



Family Fitness Challenge - compete with other families. If you want to participate in the family fitness challenge please email and in the body of the email list what fitness challenge your family will be participating in. Trophies will be awarded to the top three winners in the challenge.

 Other fun activities include kids games, face painting, hair painting, fitness expo, and Sports 5-in-1 Combination Bouncer.



If you are a teenager or adult and are interested in volunteering to help plan this year's festival or to volunteer during the day of the festival, please email us and let us know when you want to volunteer and what you want to help with.


If you are a local business or non-profit who would like to provide information to the public about your organization, we are happy to provide you a spot at the festival. If you think you would like to have a business table at the festival please email us or download this form and mail it to the address on the form. Keep one copy for your records and mail the other copy to the address listed on the form as well as including the applicable fee.

A map of the festival activities and business displays will be available for viewing closer to the date of the event.

Click here to see Lake Hiawatha Neighborhood Festival listing on 

Click on this link to see a copy of the Festival Flyer. This form requires the Adobe Acrobat plug-in to view and print properly. The Adobe Acrobat plug-in can be downloaded, for free, from Adobe Systems Incorporated web site by clicking on the link below.

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Click on the following links to learn about:

2017 Events Schedule and Price

2017 Map of Activities and Displays

Check this site out regularly for more updated information on the 2015 Festival.


Try your hand at a puzzle from a photograph from the 2000 Festival.


Photographs of the 1999 festival were taken by David Christenson.

Photographs of the 2000 festival were taken by Martha Ehrenstrom-Jensen.

Photographs of the 2001 festival were taken by Martha Ehrenstrom-Jensen.

Photographs of the 2002 festival were taken by Sara DePue of Lake Hiawatha Park.

Photographs of the 2004 festival were taken by Shirley K. Yeoman, SENA staff.

Photographs of the 2005 festival were taken by Shirley Yeoman.

Photographs of the 2006 festival were taken by Shirley Yeoman and Sybylla Yeoman Hendrix.

Slide show of photos from the 2002 Festival.