Lake Hiawatha Recreation Council

LHRC Needs Volunteers! - The Lake Hiawatha Recreation Council is a dedicated group of parent volunteers who coordinate the Lake Hiawatha sports programs and serve as an advisory council to park activities. Lake Hiawatha is in need of additional parents to serve on the council. Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. and usually last one hour. The council is also looking for coaches for softball and baseball for the spring program. Call Ryan at the park ((612) 370-4930) for more information or click the email button below.

The Park Director is also looking for anyone who likes working with young people between the ages of 3 and 16. If you like kids and are willing to volunteer at the park to help with programs please call. It isn't hard and training will be provided. We will take you for as many hours as you are willing to invest. Call the park ((612) 370-4930) for more information.

Lake Hiawatha Recreation Council ("LHRC") organizes various sports activities at Lake Hiawatha Regional Park in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Some of the sports include T-ball and softball. They also host the Casey At Bat camp annually. LHRC is also a sponsor of the Annual Lake Hiawatha Neighborhood Festival each August.